Secondary 1 Admission

Application for Secondary One Discretionary Places (2025/2026)
1. Details of application:


Date of distribution:

From 2nd Nov, 2024 to 16th Jan, 2025

Application period:

From 2nd Jan, 2025 to 16th Jan, 2025 (Both dates inclusive)

Ways to obtain the application form:

1.     Collect the application form in person at the school general office during office hours, or

2.     Download the application form

Documents required for application:

  1. Completed application form affixed with a recent photo of the applicant
  2. Application form for S1 Discretionary Place issued by the EDB
  3. Photocopy of I.D. card of applicant
  4. Photocopies of P5 mid-year and final report cards and P6 mid-year report card
  5. Photocopies of merit certificates of academic awards, extra-curricular activities, or community services stated in the application form
  6. A self-addressed envelope (the envelope should have the student’s name and HK address while stamp is not required to affix)
  7. The user of the SSPA e-Platform need not submit a self-addressed envelope.

Remark: Recommendation letter from primary school is not required.

Submission of application form:

1.     In-person (School general office during office hours) or

2.     Via the SSPA e-Platform (No self-addressed envelope is required.)


Maximum 40 places (Pending final approval from the EDB)


2.Admission criteria and weighting

Admission criteria


A.    Rank order provided by the EDB and academic results in primary school


B.    Conduct and remarks


C.    Activities and awards


D.    Interview performance


3.Admission interview


18th January, 2025 (Saturday)


All eligible applicants will be invited for an individual interview.

(The applicant will receive an interview letter immediately when the applicant submits the application form in person. The applicant submits the application form via the SSPA e-Platform will receive an interview letter by email.)


Communication skills, manner, and basic competence


Academic results, ECA performance, and conduct

4.Release of application results

In accordance with the instructions of the Education Bureau, parents / guardians of successful applications will receive notification from the school by letter and phone on 31th March, 2025.

Applicants on the waiting list and unsuccessful applicants would not be notified. The formal admission result will be announced on 8th July, 2025 concurrently with the release of the central allocation.

Notes to parents
    1. Each student may apply to NOT MORE THAN TWO secondary schools participating in the SSPA system.
    2. Once submitted, the application form cannot be retrieved or cancelled, and no change can be made to the order of school preference.
    3. All personal data collected will be used only for this application procedure. All documents submitted will be destroyed upon the completion of the admission process.
    4. According to the former outcomes of allocations, parents are advised to choose our school as the first choice in the application form for S1 Discretionary Place, so that the candidates will have a better chance of being admitted to our school.
    5. When the interview cannot be conducted in any form fairly upon the occurrence of an event of force majeure (such as a class suspension according to the Education Bureau’s announcement), the school would reserve the right to change the interview date, format, criteria, and weighting or even would cancel the interview. The latest arrangement will be posted on the school webpage, and all applicants would be notified by letter.
    6. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact the teacher-in-charge of the Academic Committee by phone or email.
Office hours

Monday to Friday                 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Saturday                              9:00 am to 12:00 noon

Sunday and public holidays           closed

Please click here for a sample of the completed application form.

Po Leung Kuk Yao Ling Sun College
  • Address:Shek Wai Kok Estate, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong
  • Contact No.:2498 3331 Fax: 2499 5136